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The Materials Engineering and Metallurgy Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences was established in 2019 due to joining of the Committee on Materials Science and Committee on Metallurgy. The scientific interest of the Committee covers such areas as physical, chemical and structural phenomena, relationships between chemical composition, technology and properties, as well as criteria for material selection for specific applications, theoretical and practical aspects of the science of metals and other materials, including plastic working, foundry, metallurgy, extraction metallurgy and modeling processes with their virtualization.

The main areas of interest are metallic materials, ceramics, polymers, organic materials, composites, raw materials, including traditional and advanced materials with a high degree of processing, possessing a unique complex of functional properties (gradient, amorphous, ultraporous, biomaterials, 2D materials, nanomaterials, coatings, metallic glasses), biomimetical engineering

Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), due to the intellectual potential and material base, is obligated to be actively involved in the transformation taking place in the 'European Research Area'. The important role should meet scientific Committees, national associations of the most prominent experts in the given field, appointed as a result of voting. The increasing level of facilities, wide exchange of experimentation-involved researchers coming from PAS research units, universities, and R&D units should provide the basis for obtaining a "critical mass", leading to the acceleration and development of the national economy.

There is a need for a new approach and evaluation of the future direction of the development and expansion of the European research market.

One of the main elements of the research strategy in Europe is development of the European Research Area (ERA). The ERA was established at the Lisbon European Council in 2000.

Characteristics of the ERA target forms

The role of the Committee should be within the role of the advisory, referee and implementation bodies.

The Committee may serve in taking decisions in strategic planning developments in terms of national capacity: technology, materials, diagnostics.

The role of the Materials Science Committee can be defined according to the designation of the "Road Map" including:

  1. thematic priorities,
  2. participation of the Committee in determination of a strategy in the area of:

Materials Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences with its active approach, may be missing and still not fully apply the elements of high potential opportunities in the following areas:

The role of the Materials Science Committee can be very important in achieving a "critical mass" in terms of: